The B.A. Breakthrough
How Ending Diploma Disparities Can Change the Face of America
How the campaign to help poor students thrive at college is emerging as America’s most effective anti-poverty program
The country’s poorest students have just an 11 percent chance of graduating college within six years. That’s not the American Dream; it’s the American Dream denied.
In The B.A. Breakthrough: How Ending Diploma Disparities Can Change the Face of America, author Richard Whitmire argues that improving those odds could be “the most effective anti-poverty program ever launched in this country.”
The B.A. Breakthrough takes readers to the places across the country where that change is already happening — K-12 schools using data-smart college counseling techniques; elite colleges accepting once-disparaged community college transfers by the thousands; nonprofits sending college counselors into cash-strapped high schools.
Their work is dramatically improving college graduation for the most disadvantaged students. Whitmire documents how these transformations are spreading, and predicts that we are nearing a tipping point — one that could finally reverse income inequality in America.